Chapter 1
The Era of Coporporate Heroes
Prime/OS : Prime/OS is a process developed by Daniel Mezick to gently facilitate change in companies.
Cultural anthropology : study of human beings and human societies.
Liminal Thinking (book, web site) : create change by understanding your beliefs and transforming them. Dave Gray.
Chapter 2
The Dark Side of Heroes
Karpman drama triangle : relational model developed by Stephen B. Karpman M.D. to explain the complex dynamics between several people.
Chapter 3
A Phenomenon That Eats Away at Your Company from Within
Reinventing Organizations: A Guide to Creating Organizations Inspired by the Next Stage of Human Consciousness : Frédérc Laloux's book takes an innovative look at organizations and their ways of working.
The resource utilization trap : Henrik Kniberg explains the effects and costs of multitasking.
Multitasking Name Game : The aim of this exercise by Henrik Kniberg is to simulate the effects of multitasking and measure the time lost.
Mindset: The New Psychology of Success : Carol S. Dweck's book on the different states of mind we develop.
Failure: The Secret to Success : Robby Slaughter's book on learning from mistakes.
Chapter 4
Don’t Go Hunting for Heroes
Reflection on the persecutor, rescuer and victim postures : reflection exercise.
Recognize the effects of heroes in your workplace : reflection exercise.
Identifying the tipping point : reflection exercise.
Chapter 5
Six Strategies to Outwit Everyday Heroes
Coaching Agile Teams: A Companion for ScrumMasters, Agile Coaches, and Project Managers in Transition : book by Lyssa Adkins that inspired me in my early days of Agile coaching. It was also in this book that I realized that using "yes and" was better than "yes but".
Counting the number of "yes but" in a meeting : practical exercise to develop your listening skills and sensitivity to this formulation.
Mob programming : large-group method of working on a topic, inspired by pair work.
Joy, Inc. : How We Built a Workplace People Love : Richard Sheridan's book on how his company relies on working in pairs.
The Culture Game: Tools for the Agile Manager : Daniel Mezick's book explains several tactics for good meetings, including appointing someone to act as facilitator.
Practice putting the dictionary away : reflection exercise.
Extreme Programming Explained: Embrace Change : book by Kent Beck and Cynthia Andres, in which the practice of working in pairs is well described.
Chapter 6
How to End Hero Culture Within the Company
Conway's Law : The essence of Conway's law is that the way a company is organized is replicated in the work performed by its teams. So, we can make the following hypothesis: "The phenomenon of hero culture in companies is a reflection of the communication structure."
Manage Your Project Portfolio: Increase Your Capacity and Finish More Projects : Johanna Rothman's book explains the effects of multitasking on company-wide planning and how to better manage your project portfolio.
Manifesto for Agile Software Development : Set of values and principles of the Agile movement.
Google re :Work, Guide : Understand Team Effectiveness : Google search results to understand what makes work teams effective.
The Agile Mind-Set: Making Agile Processes Work : Gil Broza's book on developing the Agile Mindset. He also supports the idea of not using the word "resources" to refer to people (chapter 4 People Are Not Resources).
Team Competency Matrix : template for the Management 3.0 group exercise to understand a team's current skills and gaps.
Karoshi : Japanese word for people who die because of their work
PDCA : a simple way of experimenting developed by Walter A. Shewhart, but best known for the work of William Edwards Deming.
Chapter 7
When I'm the Hero
Neuro learning : Les neurosciences au service de la formation : book (in French) by DR Nadia Medjad, Philippe Gil and Philippe Lacroix, in which it is mentioned that our attention rapidly diminishes after 10 min.
Story Mapping : Jeff Patton's technique for splitting and planning his work.
Thinking in Promises: Designing Systems for Cooperation : book by Mark Burgess, in which he explains not to make commitments (promises) on behalf of others, or you'll fail.
The Elegant Self : A Radical Approach to Personal Evolution for Greater Influence In Life : Rob McNamara's book, in which he explains the trap of always wanting to surpass ourselves and how this blocks our development.
Impostor Syndrome : linked to the need to never be good enough and to always want to surpass oneself.
The Power of Vulnerability : TED talk by Brené Brown on the importance of being vulnerable to help create bonds of trust.
Chapter 8
Pick the Right Strategies
Counting the number of "yes but" in a meeting : a practical exercise to develop your listening skills and sensitivity to this formulation.
Pomodoro Technique : a technique developed by Francesco Cirillo to maintain focus while working.
Agile Retrospectives: Making Good Teams Great : book written by Esther Derby and Diana Larsen on techniques for facilitating team retrospectives.
Chapter 9
Reinventing the Hero Attitude
Mastering Leadership: An Integrated Framework for Breakthrough Performance and Extraordinary Business Results : book by William A. Adams and Robert J. Anderson on the shift in perspective needed to move from reactive to creative.
The Power of TED* (*The Empowerment Dynamic) : book by David Emerald explaining the new creative postures (challenger, coach and creator)
The 4 Ways of Leading : The Conscious Leadership Group's guide to new postures.
Lean-Agile Acceptance Test-Driven-Development (Net Objectives Lean-Agile Series) : book by Ken Pugh describing a method for ensuring that customer needs are fully understood and met with the right solution.
VUCA (« Volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity ») : leadership theory by Warren Bennis and Burt Nanus on why companies and employees need to adapt.